Ultrafast High Frequency Power Devices

Green Energy Xinchuang is a leading company in SiC Schottky diodes, MOSFET discrete devices and modules. These represent the most advanced products in the industry, enabling power conversion systems to increase switching frequency, reduce size, reduce weight, and increase conversion efficiency.

Low and medium voltage power devices

Green Energy Xinchuang is a leading company in SiC Schottky diodes, MOSFET discrete devices and modules. These represent the most advanced products in the industry, enabling power conversion systems to increase switching frequency, reduce size, reduce weight, and increase conversion efficiency.

Gate Driver

Green Energy Xinchuang is a leading company in SiC Schottky diodes, MOSFET discrete devices and modules. These represent the most advanced products in the industry, enabling power conversion systems to increase switching frequency, reduce size, reduce weight, and increase conversion efficiency.

Power Source
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