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Discrete devices

Refers to the silicon wafer used in the manufacture of silicon semiconductor integrated circuits. Because of its circular shape, it is called a wafer; on the silicon wafer, it can be processed and fabricated into various circuit element structures to become IC products with specific electrical functions.


Refers to the silicon wafer used in the manufacture of silicon semiconductor integrated circuits. Because of its circular shape, it is called a wafer; on the silicon wafer, it can be processed and fabricated into various circuit element structures to become IC products with specific electrical functions.


Refers to the silicon wafer used in the manufacture of silicon semiconductor integrated circuits. Because of its circular shape, it is called a wafer; on the silicon wafer, it can be processed and fabricated into various circuit element structures to become IC products with specific electrical functions.

Featured Products
Discrete device
Application field
innoCore offers a wide range of ready-to-use semiconductor design solutions
  • New Energy
  • Industrial Application
  • Automotive
  • Communication
  • Consumer Electronics
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