
Do a good job in basic training and meet the full line
release time: 2022-04-28 14:54:20
At 3:00 pm on November 2, the company conducted the training of the SPC course. The classroom atmosphere was very active, and the lecturer taught carefully. Recently, the company has begun to launch products one after another. At this stage, quality-type training has also begun for employees involved in various positions. In the training class, the lecturer described the basic introduction, the types of control charts, the steps and the performance index. Regarding quality type training, we should pay attention to quality at any time. Only with good quality can we get the attention of consumers and ensure the opportunity for our products to get publicity. Details determine quality, and any grand project depends on the correct implementation and accuracy of every detail. The reason why the details are important is that the small details often determine the direction of the development of things. There are still many methods for quality training, which also need to be used flexibly and innovatively in practical work.
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